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Park Rules & Regulations


1. Code of Conduct

Reasonable behavior is expected of all visitors to the Houston Sports Park (herein referred to as ‘HSP’ or ‘Park’) at all times. Inappropriate behavior that endangers or offends any other individual may result in immediate ejection and possible arrest. The following code of conduct is designed to educate participants and visitors of appropriate and intolerable behavior on HSP grounds.

Any person who enters the HSP must comply with the code of conduct for the safety and enjoyment of all visitors. Any participant or visitor that is ejected from the facility for non-compliance within any of the below areas will receive no refund or compensation. Future suspensions from HSP will be at the discretion of the HSP staff.


2. Prohibited on Park Grounds

Park Grounds include all space on HSP property which includes, but is not limited to, the following: 1) HSP parking lots, 2) HSP buildings, 3) HSP landscape, 4) HSP fields (all surfaces inside black perimeter fencing).

  • Guns or weapons of any kind, concealed or open carry
  • Illegal drugs and paraphernalia
  • Alcohol
  • Glass containers
  • Tobacco products of any kind
  • Electronic Cigarette and Vaporizers 
  • Pets and animals (other than registered and leashed Service Dogs)
  • Fireworks, flares, or smoke bombs
  • Fuel heaters
  • Open flame grills (propane and charcoal)
  • Seeds or any snacks producing a shell
  • Generators
  • Flying drones and remote controlled cars
  • Scooters, hover boards, segways (automated and non-automated)
  • Skateboards
  • Inline skates
  • Bicycles
  • Motorized vehicles
  • Spray paint, powder, duct tape or any other substance to mark fields
  • Metal cleats
  • Golf clubs and baseball bats
  • Air horns
  • Laser pointers and laser pens
  • Confetti
  • Other items as determined by facility management


3. Field Permit and Facility Usage

a.     Any and all field use requires a permit that may be attained by clicking HERE. This will include the signing of a rental reservation agreement, arrangement of fee payment, and the signing of applicable waivers. Activities must coincide with the time period indicated on the rental invoice and occur only on designated fields.

b.     Practice, goal-keeper warmup and non-sanctioned scrimmage activity is not permitted within the 18 yard boxes of the grass fields. Only officially sanctioned league or tournament play is permitted to full field access.

c.     Warming up is not permitted on adjacent fields or within the 18 yard boxes at any time. Additionally, no more than 32 participants shall be allowed on one field at any given time.

d.     Private personal training on HSP grounds is strictly prohibited.

e.    Unauthorized use of any field is prohibited.

f.     HSP reserves the right to adjust field assignment based on field condition and weather.


4. Sound Devices

a.     No amplified sound devices will be permitted within the black perimeter fencing enclosing the soccer fields unless approved by HSP staff. 

b.     Any amplified sound or music approved by HSP must not include foul/explicit language, terms that can be considered racial slurs or inappropriate content.

c.     Use of air horns is strictly prohibited unless written consent is given by HSP staff.


5. Tents

a.     8' x 8' and 10’ x 10’ pop-up tents and canopies are generally permitted on HSP property however these structures cannot be placed on any field playing surface.

b.     Tents and canopies larger than 10’ x 10 are not permitted without the approval of HSP Staff.

c.     All items are required to be sufficiently secured to the ground as governed by the HSP Staff. All tents must be weighted and/or staked (stakes may not be longer than 5 inches). All tents without exception must be weighted or staked down securely.

d.     Tents, canopies, flags, and banners shall not obstruct official HSP signage.

e.     Approved tents, canopies, flags and/or banners may be displayed during games provided they are not offensive or commercial in nature.


6. Reckless Behavior

Any person that endangers or has the potential to endanger the safety, well-being, and peace of participants, visitors, or Park staff may be ejected from the facility immediately. This includes behavior considered to be lewd, public urination, and fighting.


7. Parking

All vehicles must park in a designated space within the main or overflow lots. The main lot is identified as the appropriately marked concrete areas within Park grounds. The overflow lot is defined as the gravel lot north of the facility. PARKING IS AT YOUR OWN RISK; the Houston Dynamo and HSP are not responsible for accidents, theft, vandalism, or other related events that may occur within Park grounds. For more information, please click HERE

a.     Parking lot gate(s) will typically open 30 minutes to 1 hour prior to the first scheduled rental listed on events calendar

b.     Only HSP staff or individuals with prior approval are permitted to open and close parking lot gates

c.     All cars must vacate the Parking lots promptly after the end of the last scheduled field time.

d.     Gates will typically close 15 to 30 minutes after the last scheduled rental. Please review posted daily schedule for parking lot closing time 

e.     Vehicles left overnight are subject to being locked inside parking lots or towed

f.     Vehicles should not impede any entrances, sidewalks, bridges, gates, and garbage receptacles at the facility


8. Tailgating

Tailgating is defined as; the use of any item (including tables, chairs, free-standing canopies or umbrellas, awnings attached to recreational vehicles, coolers, games, food or drink, for the purpose of an outdoor gathering by one or more people prior to, during or after a scheduled rental or event.


Tailgating is permitted as it is conducted in a safe and respectful manner.

a.     No open flame grills are permitted (propane and charcoal are not permitted on HSP grounds)

b.     The presence of tailgating should not impede required parking spaces

c.     Tailgating areas should be cleaned following related Park events and all trash should be disposed within proper receptacles

d.    Glass containers are not permitted on Park grounds

e.    Alcohol is not permitted on Park grounds


9. Solicitation

No unapproved marketing is permitted. This includes, but is not limited to, the following: distribution of handouts; leaving leaflets on windshields; displaying banners or flags with commercial advertising; and product sampling. No individual is permitted to approach a player or representative with the express means of acquiring services for their team or enterprise.


10. Clothing

Participants within any sporting event or practice are required to wear clothing deemed appropriate for their given sport. The Houston Dynamo and/or HSP staff are not responsible for injuries related to clothing or body jewelry within Park grounds.



11. Alcohol and Tobacco Use

Alcohol consumption is not permitted within HSP. Participants and/or visitors whom appear to be intoxicated will be immediately ejected from Park grounds. Park staff may contact the proper authorities in the event of potential danger to other staff and/or other participants, or in the event that intoxicated individuals are below 21 years of age.

Smoking is not permitted within Field boundaries. Field boundaries include all space within black field gates. Participants and visitors must dispose of cigarette butts within the proper container.


12. Trash Removal

All visitors are required to dispose of unwanted items within the appropriate trash and/or recycling container. Any participant or visitor found to be littering upon Park grounds may be ejected immediately.

a.     No chewing gum, seeds, or snacks with shells are permitted on HSP Fields.

b.     Disposal of liquids and ice is not permitted upon grass fields. Additionally, no food or drink other than water is permitted upon the turf field.


13. Inclement Weather

All visitors must comply with the inclement weather evacuations. HSP staff reserve the right to cancel, suspend, or postpone events due to inclement weather that jeopardizes safety. Failure to do so will lead to cancellation of rental and cancellation of future rentals with no refund. HSP operates a NO REFUND policy due to weather that may force field closures. HSP operates on a delay first, cancel second policy pertaining to field closures due to inclement weather.

Please click HERE for weather related information.



12211 Kirby Drive, Suite 400
Houston, TX 77045

Phone: (713) 433-3969
